The CDC just released a report stating that the prevalence of autism among school age children ages 6 to 17 years old is now 2%, or one out of every 50 children. The time period covers 2007 to 2011-2012. The report is here.
This is a significantly higher rate than the CDC reported in 2012, when it released a study that showed one out of every 88 children who were 8-years old in 2008 were diagnosed with autism.
Congressional hearings were convened to study the issue of the alarming rise in autism in late 2012. Congressman Dan Burton stated that the situation is “worse than an epidemic, it is an absolute disaster.” Many questions were asked of the CDC at this hearing, which revealed what many in the autism community already knew, such as the fact that there has never been a study comparing vaccinated children with unvaccinated children, and neither has there been a study on the effects of multiple dose vaccines in the ever-rising vaccine schedule. You can watch highlights of the hearing here. The U.S. now leads all countries in the number of vaccine doses given to children under the age of 6.
The CDC “No Link” to Autism Research Claim

So why is there no current research being done by the government to investigate the possible vaccine-autism link? The official response from the CDC is that they have studied the issue, and they definitively state that there is no link. They also continue to state that there is no link between the mercury-based vaccine ingredient thimerosal and autism, but they removed it from most childhood vaccines sometime around 2001 “just to be safe.” The annual flu vaccine still contains mercury, however, and is recommended for both children and pregnant women.
Well, there are several problems to the CDC’s claims that they have investigated this issue. First, it is public knowledge that one of their main researchers, Dr. Poul Thorsen, was indicted for fraud for stealing millions of dollars in research grants to study the thimerosal mercury link to autism. He is still on the run today and at large. He was an author in 36 studies with the CDC on the issue of mercury in vaccines and autism.
When questioned about this man’s research that the CDC has relied upon in the Congressional Hearing last year, the reply the CDC gave by Dr. Boyle was that his fraud did not negate the “wider body” of research that existed.
Which brings us to another problem regarding the CDC’s “other” research that supposedly shows there is no link between thimerosal mercury and autism. A man by the name of Brian Hooker, a PhD scientist, has been fighting the CDC since 2004 in trying to get them to comply with Freedom of Information Acts to see this research, and how they came to the conclusion that there was no link between mercury in vaccines and autism. (Dr. Hooker was not allowed to testify at the Congressional Hearing last year, but he submitted written comments that you can read after the video clips here). The CDC apparently believes they are above the law regarding the Freedom of Information Act, and have fought to withhold most of the information Dr. Hooker has requested. Why?
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