Monday, November 18, 2013

Peanut Allergy: Yet Another Vaccine-Related Epidemic?

But reactions to peanuts are not just another allergy. Peanut allergy has suddenly emerged as the #1 cause of death from food reactions, being in a category of allergens able to cause anaphylaxis. This condition brings the risk of asthma attack, shock, respiratory failure, and even death. Primarily among children.

Sources cited in Heather Fraser’s 2011 book The Peanut Allergy Epidemic suggest a vaccine connection much more specifically. We learn that a class of vaccine adjuvants – excipients – is a likely suspect in what may accurately be termed an epidemic. [1]

But let’s back up a little. We have to look at both vaccines and antibiotics in recent history, and the physical changes the ingredients in these brand new medicines introduced into the blood of children.


Before 1900, anaphylactic shock was virtually unknown. The syndrome of sudden fainting, respiratory distress, convulsions, and sometimes death did not exist until vaccinators switched from the lancet to the hypodermic needle. That transformation was essentially complete by the turn of the century in the western world.

Right at that time, a new disease called Serum Sickness began to afflict thousands of children. A variety of symptoms, including shock, fainting, and sometimes death, could suddenly result following an injection.

Instead of covering it up, the connection was well recognized and documented in the medical literature of the day. Dr Clemens Von Pirquet, who actually coined the word “allergy,” was a leading researcher in characterizing the new disease. [5] Serum Sickness was the first mass allergenic phenomenon in history. What had been required for its onset, apparently, was the advent of the hypodermic needle.

When the needle replaced the lancet in the late 1800s, Serum Sickness soon became a frequent visitor to the child’s bed. It was a known consequence of vaccinations. Indeed, the entire field of modern allergy has evolved from the early study of Serum Sickness coming from vaccines.



Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The vaccine mafia and its jury of thugs: your rulers

"I've written several articles on this subject. As vaccine supporters, enthusiasts, liars, and poisoners keep showing up, I'm sure I'll write several more.

Here's the drill. If a parent believes her child has developed autism as the result of a vaccine(s), she must enter the maze of the US government compensation system. Why? Because she can no longer go to court and sue the vaccine manufacturer directly. That's out.

The manufacturers and the federal government have conspired to erect a wall against those lawsuits, to protect the manufacturers from high-priced judgments.

The government maze the parent enters and suffers through is called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). It's a nightmare.

The parent has to prove, to the satisfaction of government vaccine stooges, that her child indeed developed autism, and that the cause was a vaccine.

But you see, autism is a disorder that reads like a complicated menu in a restaurant, because there is no confirmed diagnostic test for it. The menu is a combination of behaviors.

So the parent has to convince a doctor that her child fits into that category, that autism category. If she can't do it, she loses.

Here is an analogy. You buy a new car in a showroom. You drive it off the lot, and as soon you get it out on the highway, you notice that the brakes don't work. You're moving at 65mph and you can't stop the car.

The traffic ahead of you slows down, and you crash into the back of a truck. You crack a few ribs, suffer a severe concussion, break a leg, and you have permanent nerve damage.

You sue the car manufacturer.

But in court (this is fiction), the manufacturer argues that car crashes lead, in some cases, to a disorder called Automobile Stress Reaction Syndrome (ASRS). In order to win your case, you have to prove you developed ASRS as a result of the crash.

ASRS is defined by a series of behavioral markers. A doctor has examined you and determined you are not a victim of ASRS. Therefore, your case is lost before it begins.

But in court, you say, “I broke my leg and cracked three ribs. I had a concussion. I have nerve damage.”

The judge shakes his head and says, “No dice. The manufacturer is only compelled to pay you compensation if you have ASRS. The suit is dismissed.”

That's the way the autism compensation game is played. Autism and several other neurological disorders, if diagnosed in your child, could gain you a victory in the government VICP court. Maybe.

But simply pointing out that, after vaccination with substances that contained admitted poisons (mercury, formaldehyde, etc.), your child completely withdrew from the world...that general description means nothing.
If it turns out that what your child is exhibiting doesn't quite fit into the complex menu of the disorder called autism, you didn't navigate the maze successfully, so you're kicked out.

The government says, “There is no proof that vaccines cause autism.” Translation: “not every child who suffers damage from vaccines fits our definition.”

The federal government wants to override the states, which still permit parents to refuse vaccinations for their children on religious, philosophical, and medical grounds.

If the federal government and compliant states win that battle, the circle will be closed. All parents, at the point of a gun, threatened with the potential loss of their children to Child Protective Services, will stand by and watch their children being injected with poisons.

And then when horrendous consequences follow, in the overwhelming number of cases there will be no compensation.

In my article, “Vaccine damage, hidden truth: not on the evening news,” I examine the probable numbers of significant adverse reactions to vaccines in the US. There are no official figures. Barbara Loe Fisher, head of the National Vaccine Information Center, a private group, makes a strong case for at least 120,000 a year, with the distinct possibility of as many as 1.2 million.

So we're not talking about “a very few cases,” as the government claims.

We're talking about the massive destruction of lives.

In the most litigious country in the world, you can't sue a vaccine manufacturer for harm. You can sue everyone else from a garbage collector to a diamond merchant to a football league to an investment broker to a worm farmer to a plastic-bag company, but you can't sue a vaccine manufacturer. The government won't let you.

What is the government doing in the medical business, in the first place? They take your tax money and they fund the largest research facility in the world, the National Institutes of Health. The NIH decides what areas to explore and what areas to ignore.

If a lone doctor in Michigan comes up with a revolutionary treatment for cancer, NIH decides whether to look into it. They decide how to look into it. They decide whether it will threaten the trillion-dollar cancer treatment business. They decide whether to take on a study that, when twisted by their own minions, will discredit the lone doctor.

Government science, like everything else the government does, is political. It steals money from you to make political decisions.

So, when the pharmaceutical companies it favors are facing potential lawsuits from 120,000 or 1.2 million people who have been injured by vaccines, it rules against you. You can't sue. You can only appeal to the government to compensate you.

Compensate you? The government? For a medical injury? In what universe does that make any sense?

Do you walk, hand in hand, into the office of an airline and ask them to pay you money because your son's bicycle was defective and he crashed in to a tree?

Do you ask for money from a company that makes applesauce because faulty wiring caused your house to burn down?

Of course, some people say, “We ask the government to compensate us for a vaccine injury because the government's job is to protect us and help us and make sure we're all right.”

No, that was your Daddy and your Mommy, when you were young.

And even then...did you ask them for a raise in your allowance because the neighbor's dog bit you?

Stripping away the “share and care” mask from the government and pharmaceutical companies, this is what we have: they know a tsunami is waiting for Pharma in courtrooms.

If private citizens are allowed to sue vaccine manufacturers for harm, juries of other private citizens will award billions and billions in damages.

That's because juries are “stupid and sentimental and can't understand science and are easily swayed and absolutely don't deserve to have their voices heard.”

Instead, make people who want compensation appeal their cases before really intelligent medical experts. That'll show them. Put those citizens into a labyrinth of lies and obfuscations and red tape and, while they and their children are suffering, run them through a psychological meat grinder. Spit them out with a pittance or with nothing.

Yes, that sounds like justice. Yes. That's the answer.

Concealing the corrupt and failed and harmful and dangerous practice of vaccination, propagandists and media idiots and government spokespeople have drowned the American population, for more than a century, with assurances and demands about “public health.”

Now, at this late date, the illusion sets up this way: “No, it couldn't be. They couldn't have been deceiving us all this time. No. Absolutely not. Because if they have been deceiving us all this time with so many lies, what can we believe? Reality Itself would begin to crumble. And we can't have that.”

Exactly. That's the game they're playing. They build it (reality), and you come. Because in their absence and the absence of what they have built, there would be nothing. Unless you...built something yourself. Unless we build something different.

Unless we fight and maintain the right to claim exemptions and opt out of vaccination. Unless millions of people wake up and opt out, and opt for health. Building health.

Not through poisons injected into the body."
Jon Rappoport

 I had the measles... Went to sleep feeling a little ill. Woke up with dots on my face. Stayed home from school a few days. And we all had the measles.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Vaccines to Sterilize Animals and more INFO We Never Knew

The definitive look into the history of vaccination. From cancer, to autism, to the purposeful sterilization of innocent people around the globe, find out why all of these things are perfectly legal according to U.S. CODE - why the government considers you no different than cattle in their own laws.
Would the government ever leave an ineffective product causing harm on the shelves?

The ineffectiveness of Vaccines --- Executive Reorganization and Government Research of the Committee on Government Operations United States Senate, Ninety-Second Congress, Second Session.

 April 20,21; and May 3,4, 1972.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Attacking Babies for Money...No Health Benefit at All...PURE GREED and Babies Dying...

If you have a retirement account in a mutual fund or public employee fund you are directly involved and are doing this to babies and kids... and poisoning people with GMOs and pesticides?

Our blood is on your hands...

PROXY VOTES at corporate meetings where they vote for different things the corporations do....If you are in this system you give them that ability..@1:45:33 We see Monsanto in the books... And these books are from only one public retirement fund. There are groups, cities, municipalities, counties, in New York. There are 50 other states and the Federal Government to account for too...Also private funds, like mutuals are involved in this .
This one pointed out here, in New York State, has 2,280,249 shares in Monsanto, worth $189,488,692...Should a government have interest in a corporation that it gives patents to, or controls the courts that decides the future of a corporation; whose goal is to take over the food supplies of the world?

Just look...What is being supported by citizens of the USA, who have no idea. This shows how the government owns the media too... we get our information from the main stream news. Explains alot!
Who could possibly allow this to happen? Conflict of interest is hidden...Here is the whole scam.

In an interesting article by Dr. Harold Buttram titled “The Ultimate Gamble: Do Childhood Vaccines Result in Genetic Hybridization from Alien Human and Animal DNA Contents?” he highlighted the problems associated with just two of these ingredients, including aluminum, which is a neurotoxin associated with Alzheimer’s disease and seizures, and formaldehyde, which is a known cancer-causing agent commonly used to embalm corpses. [5]

Dr. Harold Buttram also stated:

“It is universally recognized among toxicologists that combinations of toxic chemicals may bring exponential increases in toxicity; that is, two toxic chemicals in combination will bring a ten-fold or even a hundred-fold increase in toxicity.

A classical example of this principle was the Schubert study [21] in which it was found that the amount of lead and the amount of mercury, when each was given separately, would be lethal for one percent of rats tested, would become lethal for one hundred percent of rats tested when combined.

In vaccines this principle would apply at least to mercury and aluminum, both of which are potent neurotoxins.”

Considering this information, is it any wonder that babies are dying after receiving vaccinations containing these ingredients? GlaxoSmithKline may try and hide the facts from us but they cannot hide them forever. Infanrix Hexa should be removed from the market immediately.

- See more at:

Vaccination Information Network (VINE)
Last year I wrote this
and then this year this happens
and these poor parents are currently on trial for murder. Please pray for them. Christina

Baby Dies After 9 Vaccines in One Day —

Baby Dies After 9 Vaccines in One Day
The end of last year was masked with sadness for Belgium parents Raphaël Sirjacobs & Béatrice Dupont, as their nine week old daughter Stacy Sirjacobs lost her fight for life. Stacy died just one week after her first vaccinations and left her twin sister Lesly behind. Devastated by their loss their parents are convinced that vaccines and hospital failures were the cause of their beautiful daughters death.

Stacy and Lesly were born one month premature by Caesarean section and spent the next four days in an incubator. Stacy needed resuscitation at birth.

Following medical advice parents Sirjacobs and Dupont decided to have the twins vaccinated. Stacy was slightly unwell with a cold on the day of her vaccinations but doctors assured her parents that it was safe to give her the vaccinations.

(It is worth noting that there is a history of Sudden Infant Death and allergies in the family. The twins were being prescribed a milk supplement due to a milk allergy at the time Stacy became ill)

The twins received Prevenar, a vaccine against meningitis and pneumonia, Infanrix Hexa, a six in one vaccination for diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis, hepatitis B and Haemophilus type B, and finally the Rotarix, a preventive vaccine for gastroenteritis.

This means that these tiny vulnerable babies received a staggering nine vaccines in one day, vaccines that may have caused one of them to die.

A week after her vaccinations Stacy became unwell with a fever of 39.9 degrees C. Her parents decided to administer Perdolan to lower her fever. As their daughter was still very poorly they called the hospital who advised them to bring their daughter in.

The medical staff diagnosed Stacy with a slight chest infection and infection in her blood and told her parents not to worry as this was “not serious”. Stacy was then given medication and put on a drip feed and kept in for observation.

Stacy’s father informed me that all links to the vaccines were strongly denied.

Despite Stacy having a heartbeat of 200 to 230 beats per minute the pediatrician told her parents that she was fine and that she was probably suffering from gastroenteritis (an illness that this little girl had been vaccinated against!).

The worried couple decided not to leave their daughter and remained by her bedside. During the evening they informed the nurse that their daughter had diarrhea but to their astonishment, they were told that the baby had been changed and they were to let her get some sleep and change her when she woke up.

During the night, Stacy continued to suffer ‘abnormal diarrhea’, and despite frantic pleas from her parents the nurse refused to do anything, even though by this time Stacy was restless and in obvious distress. Stacy’s father says that they reported to nursing staff that Stacy was covered in small red spots and had difficulty breathing.

According to Stacy’s father, Stacy’s medical records states that at 19.45 a doctor telephoned his brother to ask his permission to do a lumbar puncture and put Stacy on the antibiotic Ampire, while they were awaiting the results. Authorization was denied …

Stacy died a short time later.

Stacy’s father says: (translated from French by Google translate)

“The nurse 23h phone to the pediatrician to inform him that the little Stacy is worse, this one happens to 11:45 p.m. ET begins to make attempts at resuscitation. He informed at the time the parents that the baby is not breathing on their own, and asks them to leave the room. Would follow three hours, during which everything is sought to revive the girl, who is declared dead at 3am. But in fact, the heart stopped beating Stacy at midnight.

The pediatrician then began to explain to parents that the little one died of sepsis and meningitis, while in order to make such a diagnosis, it would have had to do a lumbar puncture which was not performed, or that would have required at least one blood culture or stool, the results will not be known until 3 or 4 days”.

Stacy’s death was recorded as: Meningitis.

It is interesting and extremely sad that this little girl died of an illness that she was vaccinated against just one week before she died. It is obvious from the information that I have from the father that this tiny vulnerable baby was left to suffer in considerable pain, dirty and in distress, whilst the pleas of her parents were ignored.
Vaccinations are administered to a child based on the age of the child from the day that they are born. Due to the advances in medicine, babies are being saved at an earlier and earlier stage in their development. We know that Stacy was born at approx one month premature, which means that she was given her eight week old vaccinations at just a month old; she was also unwell at the time she was vaccinated. It is my opinion that her small immature immune system could not cope with the onslaught of deadly toxins and chemicals that are in our vaccines today.
Stacy’s devastated parents are so outraged by what they have discovered since their baby’s death, that they are now asking the world to join them in a worldwide protest. They want the world to hold a global event in memory of Stacy and the many hundreds of children that have been killed or injured by vaccinations worldwide. They feel that vaccine deaths are being covered up and ask the citizens of the world to stand united for one day against vaccine damage. They say:
We are the parents of Stacy, who died a week after HER first vaccines; we are organizing a global event in honor of Stacy, Nova and all other vaccine victims worldwide. We are summoning every citizen of every country to take to the streets in their own cities, towns and villages: things must now change!
Remember to invite local journalists, the media and any victims or parents of victims prepared to tell their story. Make placards, banners and signs: UNCENSORED VACCINE INFORMATION, FREEDOM OF CHOICE!
The event is to be held on the January 20th 2012. If it is not possible for you to attend one of the many protests that are being held, then perhaps you could go along to your local church and light a candle to register your protest at what is happening around the world.
Sirjacobs and Dupont are right; something radical does need to be done to make the authorities listen to parents
Vaccine deaths are being reported around the world at an alarming rate. In May 2010 The Times of India (2) reported that 128 deaths had occurred during the previous year and the figure appeared to be rising with each year. Their report suggested that the Indian government was covering up vaccine deaths. Arun Ram reporting for the Times wrote:
“The government tries to pass on every death as unrelated to vaccine. It sometimes merely does a culture of the vaccine in question. Just because a vaccine is not found to be contaminated, it doesn’t mean the vaccine has not caused the death,” says Dr Puliyel.
In March 2011 Neil Z miller (3) wrote that in the USA more than 2,000 babies died after receiving pneumococcal and Hib vaccines and yet nothing whatsoever was done. He reported that whilst these vaccines were suspended in Japan after just four deaths, the news of over 2000 deaths in the USA was barely even reported. According to Miller Paul Offit had called the Japanese authorities foolish, saying that the babies probably died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). In fact he passed their deaths off as anything he could, except the vaccines that is. Miller wrote:
According to Paul Offit, media spokesperson for the vaccine industry, “the Japanese Ministry of Health was foolish to suspend the Hib and pneumococcal programs.” Offit thinks the deaths were probably caused by SIDS, or underlying conditions, or another cause – anything except the vaccines. Often, children get sick and die by chance.
Actually, Paul Offit could be right, many of the vaccinated babies could be dying as a result of SIDS because in May 2011 an interesting article hit the internet by storm stating that a study published in the Journal of Human and Experimental Toxicology found that the countries that administered the highest number of vaccines during the first year of life experienced higher infant mortality rates. (4)
This is not new because studies have been stating that vaccines were causing children to die for many years.
The Pourcyrous study (5) was the first study to examine the impact of multi-vaccinations on the immature brain. It is clear from the results of this study that the more vaccines a child has, the larger impact the vaccines have on the child’s brain.  Massroor Pourcyrous, MD,  Sheldon B. Korones, MD,  Kristopher L. Arheart PhD,  Henrietta S. Bada, MD studied 239 preterm infants who were given either a single vaccine or multiple vaccines, their results are as follows:
Abnormal elevation of CRP level occurred in 85% of infants administered multiple vaccines and up to 70% of those given a single vaccine. Overall, 16% of infants had vaccine-associated cardiorespiratory events within 48 hours postimmunization. In logistic regression analysis, abnormal CRP values were associated with multiple vaccines (OR, 15.77; 95% CI 5.10-48.77) and severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) (OR, 2.28; 95% CI 1.02-5.13). Cardiorespiratory events were associated marginally with receipt of multiple injections (OR, 3.62; 95% CI 0.99-13.25) and significantly with gastroesophageal reflux (GER) (OR, 4.76; 95% CI 1.22-18.52).
This study has had so much impact that it has now being quoted in papers and books on adverse reactions to vaccines and SIDS worldwide.
As today saw the news that yet another vaccine is to be added to babies vaccine schedule, the Meningitis B vaccine (6), we to ask ourselves how many Stacy’s will it take before action is taken?
This article has been written in memory of Stacy Sirjacobs and the many hundreds of babies who have lost their life after receiving what the governments tell us are ‘safe vaccines’.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Dept. Health and Human Services (DHH) and/or World Health Organization (WHO) Charged with Pushing Vaccines that Harm Children

In a hard hitting editorial, the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics (IJME) has accused the WHO of promoting Pentavalent vaccine “by stating falsely that no adverse event following immunization (AEFI) has ever been reported with the vaccine.” The journal says this is contrary to facts.
...investigation into the deaths of children in Bhutan, Sri Lanka, India and Vietnam following use of Pentavalent vaccine. This vaccine  combines the Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus or DPT vaccine — long used in national immunization programs – with Hepatitis-B and H influenza-b  or Hib vaccine.
The IJME editorial says that On 4 May 2013 the Ministry of Health of Viet Nam suspended Quinvaxem - the Pentavalent combination used in that country — after 12 deaths and 9 other non-fatal serious adverse events. According to local news reports, all the babies who died were in good health prior to vaccination and had serious trouble breathing before dying shortly afterwards.
The WHO, which investigated the incident, said the deaths were not vaccine-related and claimed that  “Quinvaxem was prequalified by WHO and no fatal adverse event following immunization has ever been associated with this vaccine.”
The editorial points out that WHO had not disputed the death of 12 children soon after immunization and “therefore it is patently wrong and misleading for it to conclude that no fatal AEFI have ever been associated with the vaccine.”
This combination vaccine is not licensed for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration nor is it used in other developed countries, the editorial says.   But the WHO recommends this Pentavalent vaccine in developing countries, by piggy backing the Hepatitis-B and Hib vaccines on the well accepted DPT to increase uptake of Hepatitis B and Hib according to a write up on the GAVI web site.
Serious adverse reactions and deaths have now been reported with Pentavalentvaccine produced by other manufacturers and in a number of countries, the journal says.  Bhutan. Sri Lanka and Pakistan   have stopped using the vaccine, “following unexplained deaths soon after immunization.”

This leads is to an important question...

Why would HHS not want to disclose accurate risk information to parents? 

C)  HHS does not disclose that it is the patent holder on the HPV vaccine, and receives royalty checks on every dose of Merck's Gardasil and GSK's Cervarix.

HHS owns the patent through NIH, licenses the vaccine through FDA, recommends the vaccine through CDC, and is its own judge in vaccine injury cases through HRSA.

Did you know that the Dept. of HHS is the patent holder on the HPV vaccine, and receives royalty checks on every dose of Merck's Gardasil and GSK's Cervarix?" "HHS owns the patent through NIH, licenses the vaccine through FDA, recommends the vaccine through CDC, and is its own judge in vaccine injury cases through HRSA."
Adventures in Autism: Testimony on Maine LD 672 An Act Relating to Exemption from Immunization...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines

When you see the prices doctors pay to have VACCINES in their offices, you'll understand WHY they push so hard. If you have an inventory of a product, many with short expiration dates, you have to sell the product to recoup your expense.
 Check out some of these WHOLESALE prices that are paid for by YOUR insurance company (+ office visit fe + injection fee)...even though your "insurance" refuses to pay for vaccine injuries.

POLIO All Ages 10 Dose Vial 0.5mL Ea 1 @ $287.89

Ten pack of MMR $620. 
Pretty profitable to push vaccination.

On the Evening News tonight was a segment about the increasing rise in infertility in the US. As more and young girls/young women get sucked into the powerful Gardasil TV advertisements and the give in to the arm-twisting of their IGNORANT pediatricians, I believe 75% or more of young PEOPLE (male and female) willing will be infertile or have terrible difficulties trying to conceive. Vaccine Research Library (sadly) supports that I'm right:

"We documented here the evidence of the potential of the HPV vaccine to trigger a life-disabling autoimmune condition. The increasing number of similar reports of post HPV vaccine-linked autoimmunity and the uncertainty of long-term clinical benefits of HPV vaccination are a matter of public health that warrants further rigorous inquiry."

Thursday, August 8, 2013

By Names and Numbers We can SEE

Bayer Exposed ( HIV Contaminated Vaccine ) and POLIO Fraud

Polio definition fraud
Polio vaccine contamination
Polio vaccine damage
Causes of polio
1. Diet
2. Provocation polio, injections & pesticides
3. Tonsillectomy
4. Hygiene
Polio cured
The polio death rate was decreasing on its own before the vaccine was introduced, and there is no credible scientific evidence that the vaccine caused polio to disappear. Cases of polio increased after mass inoculations.
The United States Centre for Disease Control (CDC) admitted that the vaccine has become the dominant cause of polio in the US today, with 87% of cases between 1973 and 1983 caused by the vaccine. More recently, 1980-1989, every case of polio in the US was caused by the vaccine. Doctors and scientists on the staff of the National Institute of Health during the 1950's were well aware that the Salk vaccine was ineffective and deadly. Some frankly stated that it was "worthless as a preventative and dangerous to take". The Salk "inactivated" or "killed-virus" was actually regulated to permit 5,000 live viruses per million doses.
A large vaccine trial in 1955 showed a total failure of the Salk vaccine to protect against poliomyelitis. During a 1959 epidemic in Massachusetts, 77.5% of the paralytic cases had received three or more doses of the inactivated vaccine.
In 1956 with the infamous Francis Field Trials they discovered large numbers of children contracted polio after receiving the vaccine. Instead of removing the vaccine from the market, they decided to exclude from the statistics all cases of polio that occurred within 30 days after vaccination on the pretext that such cases were "pre-existing".
In 1958 mass vaccination triggered a disastrous increase in polio, the highest being 700% in Ottawa, Canada. The highest incidence in the USA occurred in those states which had been induced to adopt compulsory polio shots(1).
Four of the five Salk vaccine companies ceased producing this vaccine due to its failure, and because of the lawsuits against them.
"Use of either Salk or Sabin vaccine will increase the possibility that your child will contact the disease. It appears that the most effective way to protect your child from polio is to make sure that he doesn't get the vaccine "---Dr Mendelsohn M.D.(1984).
Where polio vaccination programs have been instituted worldwide, reported polio infections show a 700% increase as a result of compulsory vaccination.
Statistics on polio were manipulated. One such way was to redefine the disease, renaming it "viral or aseptic meningitis" or "cocksackie virus". In one US county, for example, in July 1955 there were 273 cases of polio reported for 50 cases of asceptic meningitis, compared to 5 cases of polio in 1966 and 256 cases of aseptic meningitis. These new diagnostic guideline's were issued by the CDC. If you object to polio vaccination, and you get polio--it is usually called "polio." If you have been vaccinated and you get "polio", it is called meningitis(2).
Coxsackievirus and echoviruses can cause paralytic syndromes that are clinically indistinguishable from paralytic poliomyelitis. (John H. Menkes, Textbook Of Child Neurology, 5th ed., page 420)
"Dr. Thomas Francis did not mention in his key evaluation of the 1954 Salk field trials that those who contracted polio after their first innoculation and before their second inoculation were placed in the "not-inoculated" list.' (Maurice B. Bayly, The Story Of The Salk Anti-poliomyelitis Vaccine, 1956).
Dr. Buchwald responds that prior to the introduction of polio vaccinations in Germany, anyone was counted as having polio, even if they only had the virus in their feces. It is known, he goes on, that there are people who are healthy but who evacuate polio viruses when they go to the bathroom. Based on this criteria, the number of cases was approximately 4,000 per year. After the introduction of the vaccine, statistics included only those polio cases of people who were paralyzed for at least six weeks.--Testimony of Dr Buchwald MD
A former public health officer, Dr Ratner, reported that just before the introduction of the first polio vaccine the National Foundation For Infant Paralysis was paying physicians $25 for each reported diagnosis. "A patient would walk into a doctors office with a limp from an accident. He'd say he had a fever a few days ago...and guess what the diagnosis would be?" It was well known Paralytic polio cured itself 50% of the time within 60 days. After the Salk vaccine was introduced, the definition of polio was changed by the CDC. Now, in order to have paralytic polio, you had to have it longer than 60 days(16).
Because the Salk vaccine was promoted as being incapable of causing polio, cases that occurred following administration of the vaccine were denied, and excluded from the Vaccine injury table(4)
Many doctors refuse to report vaccine reaction, and I worked out that of over 200 families of vaccine damaged children contacting JABS, the support group, only about 3% had been reported damaged by their doctor. In the USA the FDA admits that 90% of vaccine damage cases go unreported(4).
Dr. Bernard Greenberg, a biostatistics expert, was chairman of the Committee on Evaluation and Standards of the American Public Health Association during the 1950s. He testified at a panel discussion that was used as evidence for the congressional hearings on polio vaccine in 1962. During these hearings he elaborated on the problems associated with polio statistics and disputed claims for the vaccine's effectiveness. He attributed the dramatic decline in polio cases to a change in reporting practices by physicians. Less cases were identified as polio after the vaccination for very specific reasons. "Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was doing his patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospitalization and was being community-minded in reporting a communicable disease. The criterion of diagnosis at that time in most health departments followed the World Health Organization definition: "Spinal paralytic poliomyelitis: signs and symptoms of nonparalytic poliomyelitis with the addition of partial or complete paralysis of one or more muscle groups, detected on two examinations at least 24 hours apart." Note that "two examinations at least 24 hours apart" was all that was required. Laboratory confirmation and presence of residual paralysis was not required. In 1955 the criteria were changed to conform more closely to the definition used in the 1954 field trials: residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days after onset of illness and again 50 to 70 days after onset.... This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease, namely, paralytic poliomyelitis with a longer-lasting paralysis. Furthermore, diagnostic procedures have continued to be refined. Coxsackie virus infections and aseptic meningitis have been distinguished from paralytic poliomyelitis. Prior to 1954 large numbers of these cases undoubtedly were mislabeled as paralytic poliomyelitis. Thus, simply by changes in diagnostic criteria, the number of paralytic cases was predetermined to decrease in 1955-1957, whether or not any vaccine was used.
"Official data shows that large scale vaccination has failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection"---Dr Sabin, developer of Polio vaccine.
Health officials convinced the Chinese to rename the bulk of their polio to Guillaine Barre Syndrome (GBS). A study found that the new disorder (Chinese Paralytic syndrome) and the GBS was really polio (41). After mass vaccination in 1971, reports of polio went down but GBS increased about 10 fold.
"In the WHO polio vaccine eradication in the Americas, there were 930 cases of paralytic disease—all called polio. Five years later, at the end of the campaign, roughly 2000 cases of paralytic disease occurred—but only 6 of them were called polio (41). The rate of paralytic disease doubled, but the disease definition changed so drastically that hardly any of it was called polio any more."—Greg Beattie
"They started vaccinating in 1985 (in the Americas). Within 4 months they had 350 cases…They caused a substantial, huge outbreak of polio but they started ‘discarding’ most of the cases (put as flaccid paralysis)."—Viera Scheibner (42).
Chronic Fatigue: A polio by another name
Bruno RL, et al.    Parallels between post-polio fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome: a common pathophysiology? Am J Med. 1998 Sep 28;105(3A):66S-73S. PMID: 9790485; UI: 99005146.      
"All vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukaemia...Vaccines do predispose to cancer and leukaemia." Professor L. Vincent - founder of Bioelectronics
During the 1950's and 60's millions of people were contaminated with a cancer-causing monkey viruses called SV1 to SV40 (simian virus) from the polio vaccines due to using kidneys from the Rhesus macaques monkey to make the vaccines. Of these SV40 (the 40th one found!) was the most researched. It is commonly used by scientists to induce genetic changes in other viruses. In animals it causes large numbers to develop sarcomas (cancer), and decreases protein production leading to muscle wasting---symtoms of AIDS. The administration of Salk vaccine, in New Zealand (1956-66), with SV40 was related to the appearance of SSPE, 100 times greater than expected(1).
A study of 58,000 women who had received the IPV (killed virus) during the time that SV40 contaminated the vaccine (1959-1965) showed a thirteenfold increased risk of brain tumours in their children.
Another virus from monkeys--respiratory syncytial (RS) was found in the polio vaccine in 1956, where a relationship was found to respiratory tract illness.
That monkey viruses can be deadly was demonstrated when over 10 vaccine researchers died, after being bitten by monkeys, from monkey B virus--a herpes virus. One of these was a colleague of Sabin in 1932.
In 1976 researchers at the US bureau of Biologics found that 3 samples of Lederle polio vaccine contained between 1,000 and 100,000 simian viruses per ml. of vaccine, a much higher concentration than later safety regulations allowed (Kyle, 1992).
Not forgetting the slaughter of thousands of monkeys to make these vaccines.
A mass polio vaccination in Finland (1985) resulted in a higher incidence of Guillain-Barre (GBS) cases in the first two quarters (16 total) compared to a mean incidence of GBS in the population of 3 cases per quarter during a 6 year surveillance period, 1981-1986. Ten of these were diagnosed within 10 weeks after vaccination with OPV. The Vaccine Safety Committee has acknowledged that OPV causes both paralytic polio and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Louis Pascal has demonstrated that AIDS originated in the Belgian Congo as a direct result of mass oral polio vaccination which was contaminated with another monkey virus---the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and bovine retrovirus, again as a result of using African Green monkey and calves kidneys to make vaccines. If the green monkey had anything to do with AIDS it was through generously "donating" it's kidneys(1).
The AIDS virus is called Human T-Cell lymphoma/leukemia virus 3, or HTLV 3, since changed to HIV. Very similar to the monkey leukemia virus HTLV 4 (SIV), and almost identical to Visna sheep virus and Bovine Leukemia virus (BLV). Human Leukemia virus is HTLV 1, which looks like BLV and causes the same kind of disease in humans as it does in cattle, and is also virtually identical to STLV 1, another monkey virus(12). Myers et al (1992) asked whether HIV might simply be SIV adapting to a human host(1).
It doesn't take much to see how the polio vaccine can cause leukemia in children. "Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin vaccine, being made of monkey kidney tissue....has been directly responsible for the major increase in leukemia in this country"---Dr Klenner, M.D.(19)
"Within a few years of the polio vaccine we started seeing some strange phenomena like the year before the first 300,000 does were given in the United States childhood leukaemia had never struck in children under the age of two. One year after the first onslaught they had the first cases of children under the age of two that died of leukaemia........ Dr Herbert Radnor observed that in a small area of this little town, in an area where no cases of leukaemia had been expected or at the most one in 4 years according to previous statistics, they suddenly had a rash like an epidemic within a few blocks"---Dr Snead
Leukemia also has a mercury component, also found in the DPT, Hib, & Hep B vaccines with the mercury solution Thimerosal. A dentist, Dr Pinto, cured a girl of Leukemia by removing her mercury amalgam fillings. To prove his point, to her sceptical doctor, he replaced the amalgam, and the leukemia came back. He removed them again and the Leukemia went away again(17)
Mercury is used in laboratories to induce auto-immune disease in animals(17). Formaldehyde, found in the polio, HepB, and DPT vaccines is a known carcinogen. The DTP also contains sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid and aluminium. The MMR contains neomycin, an antibiotic. The Hib also contains saccarides, sodium chloride & aluminium hydroxide. The Hep B also contains aluminium hydrochloride and sodium chloride(4).
"Thimerosol is the preservative in immunisation shots, so anytime you get an immunisation shot you are undergoing the same procedure that in the University Lab that we used to give animals auto-immune disease---give a little tiny injection of mercury.  And when you get an immunisation shot you are getting a little tiny dose of mercury there."---Hall Huggins DDS

Three shots of these chemicals and metals plus bacteria and viruses: diptheria, pertussis, tetanus, influenza type b, (plus hepatitis B in America), & 3 types of polio with the DPT, Hib, and Polio vaccines into babies before 4 months of age! Then the MMR at 12-18 months. Then again at 4 years. Twenty one vaccine mixtures before 5 years.

Fear of Unvaccinated? Why? I thought you were protected with a vaccination?

Green Med Info: "I find it fascinating that someone called us "anti-vaccine" for posting this. If anything we are pro-children's health, and are deeply concerned over the studies we have indexed indicating the adverse health effects of vaccinating against many of the pathogens that are self-limiting, only rarely result in lasting morbidity and furthermore help to build self-tolerance and lasting immunity, are in fact far greater than the adverse effects caused by these so-called 'vaccine preventable' diseases. How is this anti-vaccine? It is pro vaccine awareness, as far as what they actually do, versus their marketed and check-book science obtained claims. To take a look at our so-called "anti-vaccine" research you can go here to form a more accurate opinion about our advocacy and research: "

The Coming Push to Give HPV Vaccines to Infants

Paper published this past week in the American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. HPV vaccines like Gardasil and Cervarix trigger primary ovarian failure. It is clear now why Japan recently withdrew its support for HPV vaccination of its young girls with the country struggling with a very low and worrisome fertility rate.
Why are we not taking the hint from other countries? Is the US always the last to ban dangerous chemicals, vaccines, food, etc...?
If you can push the most dangerous vaccines in use today on teen and pre-teen girls, and later on boys of the same age, without any proof that they work, then why not give them to newborn infants—plus another ‘booster’ later on? That appears to be planned for Gardasil and Cervarix, along with a slick new marketing program, thanks to the vaccine-industrial complex.
Fear Bringer, by Cap CatRagu
Fear Bringer, by Cap CatRagu, Syringes Added
by Heidi Stevenson
The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database shows clearly that the vaccines with the most reported adverse effects are Gardasil and Cervarix, the two human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines. It would obviously be madness to lower the age at which they’ve given—but that appears to be exactly what’s being planned.
As Gaia Health has documented, these vaccines have not yet been shown to be effective in preventing cancer, and may even cause the disease. In fact, the document released by the FDA to justify Gardasil stated that women who are infected with HPV at the time of vaccination are 44.6% more likely to develop cervical dysplasias.[1] This is not a minor issue, yet it is routinely ignored in the rush to vaccinate.
So why should we be surprised to find that the search for excuses to lower the age of vaccination is in full force?

The Justification

A review published in the journal Vaccine was produced to justify injecting the HPV vaccines into tiny babies.[2] The authors wrote:
On a global scale, vaccination of newborns and infants is well established and has developed a successful working infrastructure. The hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination programs offer a model for HPV introduction in which newborn and infant immunization achieves a rapid reduction in the prevalence of the HBV carrier rates in immunized cohorts of children, and of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer decades later. [Emphasis mine.]
They consider giving babies the hepatitis B vaccine on the day of birth to be a model for reducing the age of HPV vaccination. Rather than vaccinating girls shortly before or near puberty, they’re suggesting that they be vaccinated as infants.
Nowhere in the document do they even consider the potential of adverse effects! Gardasil has recently been associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),[3] the disease that Stephen Hawking has. Japan has withdrawn its recommendation for HPV vaccines because of severe adverse effects.[4]
UK Reported Adverse Effects for Cervarix and Other VaccinesThe number of Cervarix adverse effects reported in the UK is shown in this graph from a study published inCurrent Pharmaceutical Design.[5] The reported harm produced by this vaccine dwarfs that of any other vaccine.
Yet, the authors of “Reframing Cervical Cancer Prevention: Expanding the Field Towards Prevention of Human Papillomavirus Infections and Related Diseases”[2] want to push the age for jabbing children downward to infancy. By the way, they also think that there would be no problem with giving a booster dose at the age girls are now vaccinated, as if the vaccine produces no harm!
There is no consideration given to adverse effects. There is no consideration given to the increased burden on babies with not only another vaccine, but the one that’s known to produce some of the worst and most common adverse effects of any vaccine.

Conflicts of Interest

It was financed by major governmental agencies, including the European Commission, the Instituto de Salud CarlosII of the Spanish government, and the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca–Generalitat de Catalunya of the Catalonian government. The authors and their employers are:
  • F. Xavier Bosch: Cancer Epidemiology Research Program (CERP), Institut Català d’Oncologia–Catalan Institute of Oncology, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), Spain
  • Vivien Tsu: Director of PATH’s HPV vaccine projects, Seattle, WA, USA—a partner of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Alex Vorsters and Pierre Van Damme: Centre fo the Evaluation of Vaccination, Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • Mark A. Kane: Consultant on Immunization Policy, Mercer Island, WA, USA
The authors’ employers are obviously are deeply tied to the vaccine industry. However, their personal ties to the vaccine-industrial complex is stunning:
  • Bosch has conducted HPV vaccine trials and epidemiological studies for GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, and Sanofi Pasteur MSD. He does screening and HPV testing trials supported by Qiagen, and takes travel grants and honoraria from GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Sanofi Pasteur MSD, Roche, and Qiagen.
  • Tsu did not declare any conflicts of interest. However, she was in charge of a Gates Foundation-funded HPV vaccine trial in India that came under attack for ethics violations by the Indian government. Subjects were selected from vulnerable uneducated tribal populations, consent was not properly obtained, and adverse events were not properly recorded. Tsu excused the ethical lapses because they were “the sorts of issues that the study was intended to tease out”![6] Aside from that, one must wonder how she can possibly suggest that she has no conflict of interest when her entire salary is dependent on promoting the vaccine dealt with by this review.
  • Van Damme is chief and principal investigator for vaccine trials conducted on behalf of the University of Antwerp, which gets grants from vaccine manufacturers. He also takes speakers’ fees for vaccine presentations and is secretary of the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board.
  • Vorsters is a member of the executive secretariat of the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board, which is supported by grants from GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Sanofi Pasteur MSD, and Merck.
  • Kane is a member of the Merck Advisory Board for the HPV vaccine and receives consulting fees, honoraria, and travel support from Merck.
Why should we trust a study steeped in money from the Big Pharma corporations that would benefit by moving the age for HPV vaccination to infancy, and adding a booster jab at the age it’s now given? The complete lack of consideration for the harm produced by HPV vaccines is shocking, even in a group as deeply enthralled to the corporations they’re promoting. You would think that they’d at least put on a show of concern, but there isn’t a hint of it.

Selling Infant Vaccinations

The article subtly reveals that the HPV vaccine was not originally intended to be used solely for cervical cancer in women, that it has always been intended for a variety of cancers. So, apparently, girls were being used as guinea pigs, both to figure out how to sell the vaccine and to ascertain adverse effects … or, more likely, as this review seems to imply, to see how far they could push a vaccine with horrific and common adverse effects. Certainly, all the girls who’ve been given HPV vaccines have been treated in a most cavalier manner, since Gardasil was tested on rat testes, but not on ovaries!
Now that it’s obvious that the HPV vaccine is exceptionally dangerous, the effort seems to be on how to hide the risks. If there’d been any concern, then why didn’t these authors bother to include adverse effects in their calculations?
The authors’ concern had nothing to do with the lives lost and devastated. Instead, it was for the poor sales job done with HPV vaccines. They think that the process of pushing them on people would have gone much more smoothly if, instead of referring to them as “cancer preventing”, they had said that the vaccines prevent “HPV-related disease”.
So, you can expect to see a subtle change in how officials refer to HPV vaccines. Instead of discussing cancer, in particular cervical cancer, you’ll likely start hearing references to HPV-related diseases—with an emphasis on the plural. They’re going to sell vaccination of infants as a multi-cancer preventive. Parents who refuse to allow the HPV vaccine, for girls or boys, will be accused of dooming their children to a huge array of cancers. How’s that for a marketing technique?


  1. Gardasil™ HPV Quadrivalent VaccineMay 18, 2006 VRBPAC Meeting, Table 17 on page 13
  2. Reframing Cervical Cancer Prevention. Expanding the Field Towards Prevention of Human Papillomavirus Infections and Related DiseasesVaccine; F. Xavier Bosch, Vivien Tsu, Alex Vorsters, Pierre Van Damme, Mark A. Kane;
  3. CDC Takes Closer Look at Gardasil and Paralysis; U.S. News & World Report
  4. Japan Withdraws HPV Vaccine Recommendation for Girls; Medscape
  5. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines as an Option for Preventing Cervical Malignancies: (How) Effective and Safe?Current Pharmaceutical Design; Tomljenovic L, Spinosa JP, Shaw CA.
  6. Vaccine trial’s ethics criticizedNature