GMO is programming our stem cells ...that's all there is to it...
"Cells have membranes that prevent DNA from simply diffusing in or out. This is the initial barrier that scientists must overcome in order to insert foreign DNA into a cell. The four ways of accomplishing this goal are transduction, transformation, transfection and injection. But before these four methods are employed, scientists must prepare the foreign DNA by cutting it into smaller pieces or by using restriction enzymes to cut the DNA and insert the desired portion into a bacterial plasmid. Plasmids are circular pieces of DNA that can be passed between bacteria and viruses."
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"Plasmids are circular pieces of DNA " ?
Structure of the Genetic Material.
Genetic information in prokaryotic cells is carried on a single circular piece of DNA which is attached to the cell membrane and in direct contact with the cytoplasm. There is no enclosing membrane, so there is no true nucleus, but simply a concentration of DNA known as a nucleoid. There are no special proteins associated with this DNA molecule.
Plasmids. Some prokaryotes also carry smaller circles of DNA called plasmids. The genetic information on the plasmids is transferrable between cells, allowing prokaryotes to share such abilities as antibiotic resistance. Humans have discovered that prokaryotic plasmids can be genetically engineered. Today, they are isolated, changed to carry other interesting information and then reintroduced into new cells. In this way unique and usefull little bacterial factories can be designed, created and put to work.
"In 1974 we discovered ancient stem cells (AnSC) in long-term cultures of E. invadens grown in hypoxic sediments with metabolically repressed OCB [1]. We observed two distinct stem cell lines, which were then called "cell classes" [2]. One of them is an oxygenic, self-renewing stem cell line (SRL) that is observed in the early growth phase (t0-t28) leading to an autonomous terminal differentiation for cyclic encystment (CE). The second is a more hypoxic SRL proliferating until the end of growth phase (t0-t96) in changing hypoxic conditions, giving rise to mitotic arrested quiescent cells (G0 cells) capable of reentering the cell cycle. These findings were described in detail [3] and provide evidence that the mechanisms for cell differentiation and stemness were inherited from LECA. Basal mechanisms of cell differentiation and stemness were conserved not only in Entamoeba but also in protists such as Giardia and Colpoda [4,5]. The origin of stemness and AnSC lineages in single-celled eukaryotes was separately reported [6].
In 1974 the modern stem cell biology was still in its beginnings. Many biologists could barely remember the work of Ernst Häckel [7,8] or not knew nothing at all. Although the term "Stammzelle" (German for stem cell) was introduced by Ernst Häckel for unicellular ancestors-that took over basal mechanisms of cell differentiation in modern eukaryotes-stem cells remained for long time a foreign concept in protist cell biology."
stem cells
an undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism that is capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type, and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by differentiation
from wiki
Pleomorphism is a concept discovered in the early 1800’s. It shows that germs, bacteria and viruses come from inside the body; from the “tiny dots” you can see in the blood with any microscope. These “tiny dots” of course are the colloids of life or protits.
Pleomorphism is a concept that today sounds very strange. What pleomorphism is however, cannot be denied as the vast amount of data that has been obtained over the last 180 years confirms what modern microbiologists are discovering, re-discovering today. As noted, many people have been involved in this debate for a long time.
Tiny microbes are “tiny dots” in our blood that change form into microorganisms that clean up the garbage, dead cells, toxins and the like. This is what bacteria, germs, and viruses are for. They change first into viruses, then into bacteria and finally into fungal forms. Each of these stages is progressively more hostile to surrounding tissue cells.
Antibiotics, Immunization or Improved Nutrition?
In 1973 Dr. D. Powles observed: “The major contributing factor toward improved health over the past 200 years has been improved nutrition. Nearly 90% of the total decline in the death rate in children between 1860 and 1965 due to whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization against diphtheria” (Powles, 1973).
Epidemiologist Dr. G.T. Stewart made a similar statement which was reported in Lancet of May 18,1968; and prior to this Sir Robert McCarrison, the great English physician, wrote:
“Obsessed with the invisible microbe, virus, protozoa as all important excitants of disease, subservient to laboratory methods of diagnosis, hidebound by our system of nomenclature, we often forget the most fundamental of all rules for the physician, that the right kind of food (nutrition) is the most important single factor in the promotion of health and the wrong kind of food the most important single factor in the promotion of disease” (McCarrison, 1936).
In a personal communication (1974), Dr. Klenner made the following important observations: “Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin vaccine, being made of monkey kidney tissue, has been directly responsible for the major increase of leukemia in this country.
Elsewhere in the same communication Dr. Klenner astutely sums up some pertinent reasons for our inability to make successful viral vaccines as follows: “I am of the opinion that virus units have the potential of going from one type to another by just altering their protein coat.
Injected duck deoxyribonucleic acid Khaki Campbell ducklings Beijing introduced major changes to the shape of the body, head, beak color and legs, and plumage. These changes are transmitted to offspring.
"Cells have membranes that prevent DNA from simply diffusing in or out. This is the initial barrier that scientists must overcome in order to insert foreign DNA into a cell. The four ways of accomplishing this goal are transduction, transformation, transfection and injection. But before these four methods are employed, scientists must prepare the foreign DNA by cutting it into smaller pieces or by using restriction enzymes to cut the DNA and insert the desired portion into a bacterial plasmid. Plasmids are circular pieces of DNA that can be passed between bacteria and viruses."
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Competent Cells
Cloning, Subcloning, Expression Cells - High Quality, Low Prices
"Plasmids are circular pieces of DNA " ?
Structure of the Genetic Material.
Plasmids. Some prokaryotes also carry smaller circles of DNA called plasmids. The genetic information on the plasmids is transferrable between cells, allowing prokaryotes to share such abilities as antibiotic resistance. Humans have discovered that prokaryotic plasmids can be genetically engineered. Today, they are isolated, changed to carry other interesting information and then reintroduced into new cells. In this way unique and usefull little bacterial factories can be designed, created and put to work.
"In 1974 we discovered ancient stem cells (AnSC) in long-term cultures of E. invadens grown in hypoxic sediments with metabolically repressed OCB [1]. We observed two distinct stem cell lines, which were then called "cell classes" [2]. One of them is an oxygenic, self-renewing stem cell line (SRL) that is observed in the early growth phase (t0-t28) leading to an autonomous terminal differentiation for cyclic encystment (CE). The second is a more hypoxic SRL proliferating until the end of growth phase (t0-t96) in changing hypoxic conditions, giving rise to mitotic arrested quiescent cells (G0 cells) capable of reentering the cell cycle. These findings were described in detail [3] and provide evidence that the mechanisms for cell differentiation and stemness were inherited from LECA. Basal mechanisms of cell differentiation and stemness were conserved not only in Entamoeba but also in protists such as Giardia and Colpoda [4,5]. The origin of stemness and AnSC lineages in single-celled eukaryotes was separately reported [6].
In 1974 the modern stem cell biology was still in its beginnings. Many biologists could barely remember the work of Ernst Häckel [7,8] or not knew nothing at all. Although the term "Stammzelle" (German for stem cell) was introduced by Ernst Häckel for unicellular ancestors-that took over basal mechanisms of cell differentiation in modern eukaryotes-stem cells remained for long time a foreign concept in protist cell biology."
an undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism that is capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type, and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by differentiation
from wiki
Pleomorphism is a concept discovered in the early 1800’s. It shows that germs, bacteria and viruses come from inside the body; from the “tiny dots” you can see in the blood with any microscope. These “tiny dots” of course are the colloids of life or protits.
Pleomorphism is a concept that today sounds very strange. What pleomorphism is however, cannot be denied as the vast amount of data that has been obtained over the last 180 years confirms what modern microbiologists are discovering, re-discovering today. As noted, many people have been involved in this debate for a long time.
Tiny microbes are “tiny dots” in our blood that change form into microorganisms that clean up the garbage, dead cells, toxins and the like. This is what bacteria, germs, and viruses are for. They change first into viruses, then into bacteria and finally into fungal forms. Each of these stages is progressively more hostile to surrounding tissue cells.
Antibiotics, Immunization or Improved Nutrition?
In 1973 Dr. D. Powles observed: “The major contributing factor toward improved health over the past 200 years has been improved nutrition. Nearly 90% of the total decline in the death rate in children between 1860 and 1965 due to whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization against diphtheria” (Powles, 1973).
Epidemiologist Dr. G.T. Stewart made a similar statement which was reported in Lancet of May 18,1968; and prior to this Sir Robert McCarrison, the great English physician, wrote:
“Obsessed with the invisible microbe, virus, protozoa as all important excitants of disease, subservient to laboratory methods of diagnosis, hidebound by our system of nomenclature, we often forget the most fundamental of all rules for the physician, that the right kind of food (nutrition) is the most important single factor in the promotion of health and the wrong kind of food the most important single factor in the promotion of disease” (McCarrison, 1936).
In a personal communication (1974), Dr. Klenner made the following important observations: “Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin vaccine, being made of monkey kidney tissue, has been directly responsible for the major increase of leukemia in this country.
Elsewhere in the same communication Dr. Klenner astutely sums up some pertinent reasons for our inability to make successful viral vaccines as follows: “I am of the opinion that virus units have the potential of going from one type to another by just altering their protein coat.
Goes even further you see...Plasmid = Protit = Stem Cells = Virus
= Genetic Mutation
VIDEO of comparison of ducks ...feet webbing has discoloration, and hard construction of the cellulose in the skin and with less webbing in part that I watched...
= Genetic Mutation
VIDEO of comparison of ducks ...feet webbing has discoloration, and hard construction of the cellulose in the skin and with less webbing in part that I watched...
Injected duck deoxyribonucleic acid Khaki Campbell ducklings Beijing introduced major changes to the shape of the body, head, beak color and legs, and plumage. These changes are transmitted to offspring.
Warning: This film is presented as a historical document. His speech corresponds neither to the current state of scientific knowledge nor to today recognized methods.
Completion date : January 1, 1960
Program length : 26 min
Dewey : Genetics, birds, Genetic Engineering
Category : Documentaries
Level : All public / off level
Disciplines : Genetics
Collections : Documentaries
ficheLom : See details LOM
Author (s) : J. BENOIT
producer : Filmtec for SFRS
Director (s) : Jean DALLET
Language : French
Completion date : January 1, 1960
Program length : 26 min
Dewey : Genetics, birds, Genetic Engineering
Category : Documentaries
Level : All public / off level
Disciplines : Genetics
Collections : Documentaries
ficheLom : See details LOM
Author (s) : J. BENOIT
producer : Filmtec for SFRS
Director (s) : Jean DALLET
Language : French
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