Thursday, November 26, 2015

B-12, Cobalt, Chicken Livers, and Mercury

So eat your stuffing to the MAX it's awesome...and that pumpkin pie? Go for it!
Inorganic mercury is known to accumulate on the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). It is thought that it oxidises the cobalt atom in methylcobalamin, making it far less able to cross the barrier. Inorganic mercury is thus a creator of deficiency of B12 in the nervous system and symptoms usually attributed to mercury toxicity in the brain and nerves are due to its effect on B12. Inorganic mercury exposure is most commonly from mercury amalgam dental fillings and vaccines.

Your food source have Cobalt?
Chicken Soup, and add the livers!
‎B12‬ is cobalt, and essential for metabolism, DNA/RNA, ATP/ADP, the nervous system, Red Blood Cells!...excetra...Main ingredient to life,
Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin to contain a metal atom.
Got to get it from animals POOP! yup...poop... smile emoticon
And since chickens peck in poop all day...guess what...Their livers are full of cobalt already in a form for you body to absorb...and it's natural...
Google- "chicken livers vitamin B12"... super cool new feature will tell you chicken livers have 6xs what any other part would have of B12...
like emoticon
That is the only way...You cannot absorb the metal (except in your colon where bacteria, and microbes can can make it, but it is not absorbed) , or chemical form
Cobalt is essential to all animals. It is a key constituent of cobalamin, also known as vitamin B12, which is the primary biological reservoir of cobalt as an "ultratrace" element.
Bacteria in the guts of ruminant animals convert cobalt salts into vitamin B12, a compound which can only be produced by bacteria or archaea. The minimum presence of cobalt in soils therefore markedly improves the health of grazing animals, and an uptake of 0.20 mg/kg a day is recommended for them, as they can obtain vitamin B12 in no other way.
Non-ruminant herbivores produce vitamin B12 from bacteria in their colons which again make the vitamin from simple cobalt salts. However the vitamin cannot be absorbed from the colon, and thus non-ruminants must ingest feces to obtain the nutrient. Animals that do not follow these methods of getting vitamin B12 from their own gastrointestinal bacteria or that of other animals, must obtain the vitamin pre-made in other animal products in their diet, and they cannot benefit from ingesting simple cobalt salts.
Chicken livers  Clams are high in B-12 

Vitamin A, precursor, retinol has 4,076.2 IU 1oz (0.125 cup) of liver

Vitamin B-12 has 6 µg (micrograms) in 1 cup (8 ozs) of diced and chopped chicken liver

Vitamin B-12 187.9 µg 20 with small clams...

 The Recommended Daily Allowance (USA) is 2.4 micrograms per day. This increases by 0.2 micrograms during pregnancy and 0.4 micrograms during lactation. An article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that mild deficiency symptoms can occur in intakes of less than 6 micrograms per day. In foods vitamin B12 is at its highest in liver at around 100 and kidney at 55 micrograms per 100g. The oily fish contain 4-12; white fish 0-2; red meats 1-3 and white meats 0-2 micrograms per 100g. Eggs contain 2.5 and cheese 1-1.5 micrograms per 100g. Animal fats such as butter contain only trace levels.

Around 5mg of vitamin B12 is stored in the liver and in the absence of intake,stores can last between 5 months and 30 years (due to recycling of the vitamin) before deficiency symptoms become apparent. 

(3) Vitamin B12 is a coenzyme , that is, it is required by at least 2 enzymes for their functionality. The first breaks down homocysteine to methionine. The other breaks down methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA; if this does not occur then the methylmalonyl-CoA is converted to methylmalonic acid (MMA). Serum or urine levels of MMA are the most reliable test for B12 deficiency in the general tissues of the body.

(4) Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient in nervous tissue, helping to build myelin sheaths around nerves by carrying methyl groups to the nerve tissue. It is a potent brain detoxifier and the natural protective agent against the negative effects of the neurotransmitter glutamate which otherwise leaves nerves in a hyperactive state. The only form of the vitamin used in the nervous system is methylcobalamin. The Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) is a highly selective membrane protecting the delicate nerve tissues of the brain from mineral ions and other substances which would disturb its function. B12 does not easily cross the BBB. It is thus possible to have normal B12 levels in the body in general but a deficiency in nervous tissue. A test of homocysteine levels in the cerebrospinal fluid is a reliable test for nervous system deficiency, whereas the MMA urine test is not.

(7) Vitamin B12 is contained within a group of chemicals called corrinoids which occur in foods. The corrinoids close to B12 are termed B12 analogues and may be active or inactive in the body. Some inactive B12 analogues can be active in bone marrow but not in nervous tissue, thus making a diagnosis of deficiency by the presenting symptoms difficult. Current chemical analysis is not able to assess whether the analogue is active or inactive. This can only be verified by feeding the food to a human and testing the resulting MMA level. Inactive analogues interfere with active forms, quickening the onset of symptoms in marginal cases.

(8) As of 2004 no plant sources of vitamin B12 had been found, though many had been tested including various seaweeds, algae and fermented foods. Where claims have been made as to B12 being present in a plant source, it has not been based on the test for MMA levels, and any subsequent tests have found no reduction in MMA, proving the presence only of inactive analogues.

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